
70 Logo Designers To Follow on Twitter


Twitter is growing daily. Personally I use twitter for promotion and networking with the people in my industry. As I gain and lose followers it becomes harder to figure out who is who. I’ve compiled a list of the logo designers that you should probably be following if you currently don’t. To make things easier for you just click on the picture and the designers twitter page will open, in which you can follow that specific person. Now for all you lazy people like me, all you have to do i just follow the list of logo designers We have created.

Please keep in mind we don’t know of every great logo designer that exists, so if we happen to have missed you just comment below with a link to your portfolio. We will take a look and add you to the list.

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Untitled 1 bigger1 70 Logo Designers To Follow on Twitter

Posted by 앗뜨거

디자인 자료 다운로드 가능한곳 영감 + 소스 등등 메거진도 있음



Posted by 앗뜨거

1. Georgia & Verdana

웹사이트의 표준을 고집하는 사람이라면 이 조합이 좋다.
아름다운 셰리프, 조지아와 스크린용으로 만들어진 산셰리프,
버다나를 함께 이용하면 절대 실패할 리 없다.





2. Helvetica(Bold) & Garamond

눈이 즐거운 클래식한 조합이다. 헬베티카 볼드체로 된
커다란 머릿말을 좋아하지 않는 사람은 없을 것이다.
깔끔하고 중립적인 성격의 헬베티카는 셰리프 중 가장
읽기 편한 가라몬드와 완벽한 궁합을 자랑한다.




3. Bodoni & Futura


보도니는 기하학적인 형태와 굵고 짧은 선의 어울림
때문에 진정 아름다운 서체이다. 이런 보도니는
푸트라와 멋들어지게 어울리는데 많은 패션
매거진에서도 이 두 서체를 이용하고 있다.




4. Franklin Gothic(Demi) & Baskerville


1757년 만들어진 클래식한 디자인의 베스커빌은
19세기 산셰리프 서체인 프랭클린 고딕과 극명한
대비를 이루면서 독자들의 디자인에 세련됨을
불어넣을 수 있다. 헤드라인으로 주의를 끌고 싶다면
프랭클린 고딕을 굵은 글씨로 이용하면 된다.





5. Caslon(Bold) & Univers(Light)


케슬론은 단단한 느낌의 셰리프체로 위아래로
튀어나온 부분이 짧은 것이 특징이다. 이런 케슬론은
다소 중립적인 느낌의 네오 그로테스크 양식
산셰리프체인 유니버스와 절묘하게 어울린다.
유니버스를 굵은 글씨로 쓰면 디스플레이용 서체로도
활용할 수 있다.




6. Frutiger(Bold) & Minion


원래 공항 표지판에 이용하려고 개발된 프루티거는
아주 읽기 편하기 때문에 헤드라인 서체로 적당하다.
유기적이고 깔끔한 성격의 산셰리프체인 프루티거는
르네상스 말기 클래식한 서체를 본따 만든 미니언과
잘 어울린다. 미니언도 역시 읽기 편한 특징을 가지고 있다.



7. Minion(Bold) & Myriad


미니언 프로 서체Minion Pro family는 모든
디자이너들에게 빼놓을 수 없는 무기다. 대문자 크기가
작고 전통적인 형태에 글리픽glyphic 스타일을 갖춘
미니언 프로는 다양한 용도로 이용될 수 있다. 활용도가
높은 미리어드체와 함께 쓰면 효과가 두 배인데 둘은
어도비의 공식 글꼴이기도 하다.


8. Gill Sans(Bold) & Garamond


이 두 서체는 대부분 운영 체계의 기본 글꼴로 설정돼
있는데 기본적인 소프트웨어에 잘 어울리기 때문이다.
길 산스는 어떤 서체와도 잘 어울리기 때문에 활용도가
매우 높다. 런던 지하철에서 이용될 목적으로 개발된 길
산스는 읽기도 쉬운데 가라몬드 같은 클래식한 서체와
함께 쓰면 더 극적인 효과를 거둘 수 있다. 


9. Clarendon & Trade Gothic


슬라브 세리프 서체인 클래런던은 큰 사이즈로 쓰면
관심을 끌기 좋고, 작은 사이즈로 쓰면 읽기가 편하다.
깔끔하고 객관적이고 유행을 타지 않는 서체라 할 수 있다.
이런 글래런던은 자연스러운 느낌의 트레이드 고딕과
특히 잘 어울린다. 트레이드 고딕을 헤드라인 서체로
쓴다면 글씨를 두껍게 만드는 걸 잊지 말아야 한다. 




10. Avenir & Minion


아브니르는 푸트라Futufa의 특징을 이어받았지만
완전히 기하학적인 형태는 아니다.(아브니르는
푸트라와 어원이 같은 future, 즉 미래를 의미하는
프랑스말이다.) 세로선이 가로선보다 더 두꺼운
편이고 올라오는 부분이 짧은 것이 특징이다.
이 때문에 아브니르는 헤드라인과 내용을 나타내는
글에 모두 잘 어울리고, 미니언 같은 오래된 스타일의
산셰리프체와도 훌륭한 조화를 이룬다.

Posted by 앗뜨거

Have a great resume, will help you to get a job. Because it can attract people first impression then they will look your portfolio, otherwise If your resume is poorly presented, chances are that nobody will bother to read it.

In this article, we’ve collected 15 very useful design tips articles that can help you to create a great resume.

How To Create A Great Web Design CV and Résumé?

15 Useful Design Tips Articles to Create a Great Resume
By Kat Neville
The economy is bad. No one’s job is really 100% safe, so it’s time we all bucked up and got our recession bags packed (just in case!). Your portfolio is already gorgeous, but have you created a drool-worthy résumé?

This flimsy one-page document is more important than many people think: the résumé is the first portfolio piece that potential employers see, and if they’re not impressed, chances are they won’t look at the rest of your portfolio.

Resume Basics for Freelancers, Part One: Get Objective about Objectives

15 Useful Design Tips Articles to Create a Great Resume
By Kristen Fischer
why would you need a resume? Two reasons: Resumes can help you get freelance gigs and they offer a quick profile so potential clients can assess you.
That said, I realize many freelancers don’t know the new rules of resume writing. And yes, there are some new tricks. So I’ve put together this three-part guide to help you compile a winning resume, even if you never intend on applying for another job again.

Resume Basics for Freelancers, Part 2- Wording Your Resume Right

15 Useful Design Tips Articles to Create a Great Resume
By Kristen Fischer
If you’re hanging in with me and considering having a resume—yes, even though you freelance—the next step is to make sure your resume is written well.
Here are some tips to help your resume stand out when it comes to wording and spreading the word about what you have to offer!

Innovative Graphic Design Resume CV and Portfolio Tips

15 Useful Design Tips Articles to Create a Great Resume
By Jacob Share
Many companies and recruiters prefer the simplicity and speed of one page resumes. As a designer, how can you have maximum impact with only a single sheet of paper? The answer…

Getting your foot in the door

15 Useful Design Tips Articles to Create a Great Resume
By David Airey
Lee Newham is was a senior designer at London-based consultancy P&W. He received three or four CVs (resumés) every day, and here he offers some tips on how graphic designers can get to the top of the pile.

The Graphic Design Resume Guide

15 Useful Design Tips Articles to Create a Great Resume
By You The Designer
I have talked with many art directors, designers and read an array of articles on the topic of resume design and you would be surprised at how the smallest glitch could sink your chances. Below I will go over everything you need to know regarding putting together a successful graphic design resume.

Avoiding the CV-jeebies. Follow these simple guidelines and keep your curriculum vital

15 Useful Design Tips Articles to Create a Great Resume
By Eye Magazine
Here are some simple ideas / rules that I think will give you the edge.

CV or not CV

15 Useful Design Tips Articles to Create a Great Resume
By Periscope
Whatever your situation or frame of mind, we thought you might appreciate a bit of friendly advice. We never write CVs for you, but we can give you a few rules of thumb which might just help you get started…

Resume-Writing Dos and Don’ts

15 Useful Design Tips Articles to Create a Great Resume
By The Creative Group
A good resume is hard to find, but questionable resumes aren’t such a rarity. In fact, in a recent survey by our company, hiring managers provided some examples of unusual—and less than effective—tactics job seekers have used to grab their attention.

Resume Style File

15 Useful Design Tips Articles to Create a Great Resume
By The Creative Group
The following tips can help you create a document that will accentuate the positive:

The 7 deadly sins of résumé design

15 Useful Design Tips Articles to Create a Great Resume
By Chanpory Rith
When it comes to résumés, both non-designers and professional designers commit some almost unforgivable sins. Here are the 7 deadly sins of résumé design and how to repent:

How to Create a Resume Perfect Guide for Designers

15 Useful Design Tips Articles to Create a Great Resume
By Tayyab
So what is a good CV? Here, you’ll learn the two methodologies of creating a resume in two sections “What to Write” and “How to Design”.

7 Tips For Creating An Online Resume CV

15 Useful Design Tips Articles to Create a Great Resume
By Chris Creed
Having an online resume can be a great way to advertise your skills and availability for work to potential employers. However, many people simply move their “traditional” paper version online – this can be a problem as the typical layout and design of a paper CV is not necessarily well suited to the Web.

CV Layout Tips for the Format & Design of your Curriculum Vitae

15 Useful Design Tips Articles to Create a Great Resume
By infinete ideas
If your CV is poorly presented, chances are that nobody will bother to read it. Here’s some tips on how to present your CV both professionally and attractively.

Resume Writing Guide 10 Guaranteed Tips to That Winning Resume or CV

15 Useful Design Tips Articles to Create a Great Resume
By Trish Mullen
This article is aimed at helping those of us who struggle constantly with writing that winning resume. First of all, it is not the resume that gets you that dream job; that is down to YOU, the winning resume will only get you to the interview stage. In all my experience, I have never known anyone get a job straight off the back of a resume.

Posted by 앗뜨거

5 Logo Design Presentation Methods to Impress your Clients


Presentation takes a big part in getting approval from your client. If your client has already liked your design, a little extra effort in presenting the design will help the client make his/her decision. The key here is to help the client to see your design applied on the chosen medias, as if they were already printed out. For an example, a picture of a business card held by our hand looks more appealing than a picture of the flat business card by itself. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to present your logo design in 5 different ways.

Here’s the example logo was used for this tutorial:

1.Holding Business Card

Take a picture of your hand holding a card with your logo design on it. You can always use the same picture for other logos in the future.

Place your logo into the card in Photoshop.

Ctrl+T to distort and skew the logo to fit the perspective of the card and scale the logo into the right size.

2.Contrast Background

Clients need to see that the logo would work on dark background as good as on white background. For dark background, make a 100% black background in Photoshop and copy the logo into another layer.

Use 95% black for the highlight color in radial gradient, set the somewhere near the logo icon as the center.

Use 15% black for the shadow gradient in the logo.

Make a new layer on top of the logo layer. With the elliptical tool, make an ellipse on the logo, where you want the shadow to be. Use the gradient of 50% black from top.

Press Ctrl and click on the logo layer thumbnail to select the logo. Ctrl+Shift+I to select reverse. Click on the shadow layer and press Del or backspace button to delete the area outside of the logo.

Last Step is to make shadow under the logo by right-clicking the logo, choose Blending Options on the menu, Drop Shadow, adjust the distance of the shadow to 2 or 3 px, depends on your size of the file and your preference.

3.Wood Texture Background

Choose a wood texture background you like, smooth texture works better for logo bevel and emboss.

Copy the logo to another layer and fill it with brown color picked from the background.

Multiply the logo layer on top of the wood texture layer. The color will look darker like below. Right-click on the logo layer and choose Blending Options, Inner Shadow. You might wonder why I don’t use Bevel and Emboss option there, you can always try it and compare the results. Personally I prefer a manual Bevel and Embossing because the light and shadow would look more real.

Duplicate the logo layer into two different layers. Black on top of white logo layer, move the black logo slightly right and down.

Hold Ctrl and click on the black logo to select its outline. Then click on the white logo layer and delete the selected area, leaving only the white edges. Now choose the layer effect overlay, adjust the position until the lighting looks right.

4.On the Office Building (Sign)

Get a picture of the company building which logo you’re designing. Open it in photoshop, copy the logo into a new layer.

Photo credit: iStockPhoto.

Apply 30% black of gradient to the logo. Add Drop Shadow. And here it goes.

Photo credit : iStockPhoto.

5.Product Background

Choose a picture of the product and set as a background. Apply subtle Outer Glow on the logo to make it stand out from the background.

Photo credit : iStockPhoto


Presenting your logo designs to clients on signage, a business card or even a piece of wood will: 1) show how well it works in ‘the real world’ and 2) make the logo more appealing to your client. Remember, presentation is critical when pitching on freelance logo jobs and logo design contests – it will help you win more work!

Posted by 앗뜨거

Remarkable Résumé Designs

When applying for a job, a designer’s résumé is of utmost importance. This is precisely what should be attention-grabbing and creatively designed. This portrays the level of creativity and also aids in standing out from the rest who also happen to be applying for the same position. We hope that these creative résumés will inspire and encourage you to think out of the box and redesign your application papers with sucess.

To help you get ready for your job interview, you can read here to find out how to prepare well. Don’t forget to stay creative. Good luck!

Unusual Résumés

Curriculum Vitae by Jonny-Rocket
Attraction is the standard. This quote fulfills the requirements of attraction and represents a gorgeous work of art:

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Matthew Villalovos
What a catalogue of foods. Are you inspired from it? Of course this menu style résumé is full of lavishness and offers a thorough presentation:

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Francis Homo
This unique style of a résumé shows the human mind supremacy of thinking out of the box. If truth be told this unique résumé is full of smart veins and fresh blood:

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Chuck D Lay Résumé
Incomparable style of work which shows the worth and skills of the artist:

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Joe Kelso presents…!
Here the artist presents a wonderful job hunting style in this résumé. This unique kind of résumé is a masterpiece of work:

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Résumé by Pau Morgan
Creatively designed résumé that looks eye-catching and attracts the whole attention of all:

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Google Earth Résumé
This is a Google earth oriented résumé. It is spread on the earth map and shows the density around the globe:

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Résumé by Arianedenise
What an album! This best style résumé is a masterwork of stylish thinking:

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Wakuda Studio Résumé
This is a Wakuda Studio résumé and shows the irresistible uniformity of military cloak. Looks very appealing:

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Visual Résumé
Infographics are the used most when trying to portray smart representations. In this résumé an infographic is used to show all the contents in an instant:

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Résumé by Adam Stephenson
This résumé has been created by Adam Stephenson and shows the beauty of vintage style:

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Résumé by Anna Yenina
This is a combination of affectionate letters and presents the lovely thoughts of artist in a visual nutshell:

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Personal Résumé Draft by Steven Duncan
This is one of the most creative styles of creating your résumé. This elegant résumé represents the artistic approach of the artist and gives you the idea what level of creativity you can expect from him:

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Curriculum Vitae by 802.11
A unique way to describe the whole professional life and growth in a visual nutshell. This resume not only gives the employer visual treat but also inform him about the learning ladder of the artist he is going to hire:

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Work Résumé
A simple yet very comprehensive and detailed résumé that lets the employer know all the capabilities and skills of the designer. This résumé also demonstrates the level of creativity the artist possesses:

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Tudor Deleanu’s Résumé
This is the perfect example of an eye-catching and attention grabbing résumé. This résumé represents the life of the artist in different blocks that is easy for the employer to skim through:

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2004 Résumé
Machines embody the perfection and this résumé and shows the employer that s/he can expect nothing else but initiative ideas from the artist:

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Stepl Am Knotts
Another visually compelling, detailed artistic résumé explaining the key attributes of the artist:

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Origami Résumé
This origami résumé looks visually stunning representing the irresistible compactness of the artist throughout their work:

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Joshua Drummond
This comic book résumé is a unique way to produce the simplicity of style and shows the best depiction in its kind:

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F. J. Garcia
This is a comic strip résumé that leads to Spanish art. The artist made good effort to show his denseness:
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Visual Résumé by Oona
This is a rough draft résumé on paper representing the creative approach and innovative thinking of the artist:
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Sean McNally
This masterpiece résumé is created in gaming character style and shows the creative connotation of the artist:

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Federico Moral
Creativity is the most significant part of any design. This unique résumé shows the creativity of the artist. This is truly a work of creativity:

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Jonathan Kaczynski
This transit style map is very stylish and shows the artist know-how about the transit significance. This precise résumé illustrates the transit of life as well:

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Facebook Replica Résumé
What a unique format that is full of style and loveliness. This facebook replica résumé is a powerful presentation of the artist’s approach of the candidate:

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T-shirt Résumés
Here is a really artistic approach.In this résumé the artist has created a unique style of representation:
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Life Chart Résumé
The artist shows his worth in shape of a chart. What a movement! You cannot ignore it at all:

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Curriculum Vitae by Mistis
No escape from vintage! This vintage style résumé is best for hunting any job and shows the artist’s density as well:

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Urban Art Résumé
This urban art résumé is a masterpiece which is exactly an album of the artist’s potentials as well:

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H. SercanTunali Résumé
The Earth is round and if someone keeps trying to find a job, he will meet his success again and again. This global representation of a résumé is a masterpiece:

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Aamir Shah Résumé
What a style of mechanic thinking. This beautiful résumé is a folder which is a great approach by the artist:

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Jean Francois Résumé
A gorgeous design that shows the beauty of the thoughts by its creator:

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Christiano Pires
A résumé which has been created with the help of personal belongings and shows the abilities of the artist:

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Curriculum Vitae by Fransanchez
Power of red can be demonstrable and so the artist produces a sharp colored résumé to hunt the job:

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2009 Résumé SID Santos
This unique style résumé is created on a paper cup and illustrates the diversity of the artist’s mind:

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Résumé Passport
A passport styled résumé which is full of contents and shows the concrete official style of work:

Resumedesign37b in Remarkable Résumé Designs

Résumé by Kelly Haller
What a classy résumé! One can’t ignore this unique and creative style:

Resumedesign38b in Remarkable Résumé Designs


Posted by 앗뜨거
Posted by 앗뜨거