What’s so good about a logo design that shows only the company initials? For one, they are easily memorized. For example let’s take the UK fashion brand FCUK (French Connection UK)…Would you remember the whole name, French Connection UK easily or just the acronym FCUK? Of course the acronym would be easier to grasp and recall. There are more examples of famous brands like DKNY (Donna Karan New York) that use 4-letter acronyms to express the company name.
Today, I have amassed some inspiring 4-letter logos that unconventionally use weird symbols and icons to spell out the company initials. Some companies also use ligatures in their logo design, which are linked letters sharing common components. They are unconventional, compact and also fall under the category of minimal logos.
Have a look at these 20 logos and see if you can figure out the initals of a company name: |